The Sourdough Fly-In

Welcome to Port Alsworth's biggest party, the 16th annual Sourdough Fly-In! Taking place May 24th-25th!

Schedule of Events

May 24th
5k Race
Starts at LPA Ramp. Prizes for men, women, boys & girls
9:00 AM
May 24th
Flying Competition Sign Up
Lake and Pen Air hangar. $20 buy-in fee
11:30 PM
May 24th
Flying Competition Start
Wilder Runway (6R-24L). Shortest takeoff, spot landing & pizza drop. Food vendors will be available
12:00 PM
May 24th
Kids & Adult Games
Lake and Pen Air ramp. Relays, egg toss, paper airplane flying, etc.  
3:30 PM
May 24th
BBQ Grill-Out
Lake and Pen Air hangar. Bring a side dish if you like!
6:00 PM
May 24th
Awards Ceremony and Live Music
Lake and Pen Air hangar. 5k race, scavenger hunt & flying competition awards given out
7:00 PM
May 25th
Sourdough Pancake Feed
Tanalian Bible Camp
8:30 AM
May 25th
Tanalian Bible Camp
10:00 AM
May 25th
Film Festival
Lake and Pen Air Hangar. Scavenger hunt winners announced
1:00 PM

Explore Port Alsworth

Come see the heart of Lake Clark National Park and find out what to do while you're here!